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Environmental Objectives & Targets


Environmental Objectives and Targets
(BS EN ISO 14001: 2004 Ref: 4.3.3)


The Company has a defined Environmental Policy, including the setting of objectives and targets, which are controlled by the Management Programme. This defines the responsibility for the method and time scale by which the targets are to be achieved and monitors the progress towards this achievement.

The Management have agreed documented objectives consistent with the Environmental objectives for all levels of the organisation.

All objectives are linked to targets which are considered to be specific achievable and measurable. These are continually monitored to ensure that they are relevant to the Company’s objectives.

Environmental planning determines the activities needed to achieve Environmental objectives.

Management have given consideration to the following as part of the overall planning:

  • Allocation of Resources, Responsibilities and Authority
  • Processes and the application of specific procedures and instructions
  • Identification and acquisition of necessary equipment, resources and skills
  • Standards of acceptability for all requirements
  • Identification of suitable verification activities
  • Need for and preparation of Environmental records
  • Definition of selected processes and determining inputs and outputs

Environmental Management Programme

The environmental programme is the co-ordination of all environmental activities identified to meet the Company’s environmental objectives and targets.

Objective & Targets

  • To reduce Head Office’s annual electricity consumption
  • To reduce Head Office’s water consumption
  • To roll out a hybrid vehicle fleet to reduce overall fuel consumption
  • To dispose of printer cartridges in an environmentally friendly manner
  • To segregate recyclable waste from general waste

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